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How to celebrate your pet's Gotcha Day
Everyone needs a dedicated day that is ALLLL about them. For most people, this is normally a birthday. Because a birthday is not...

Getting a kitten? Consider TWO
When kittens are young, we often tell adopters they need to be adopted in pairs. Yes we do love seeing more cats get adopted, but that...

How to look for your lost cat
You've looked everywhere inside your cat normally likes to hide and your they are no where to be found. They must have gotten outside....

What is declawing and why do rescues forbid it?
Declawing is a very painful amputation of not only the cat's claw, but also most of their toes.

New cat/kitten checklist
Your new friend will require some items to ensure they stay healthy and happy. Before bringing your new family member home, make sure to
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